Welcome to 2023!

The year has turned over again.

How was your 2022?

Full of challenges with some moments of joy and love thrown in?? Same.

The last few years have held some challenges for me. I started this website (and the groups that accompany it) during a time of growth and healing for myself. I had stepped aside from church-based ministry into the nonprofit world. My soul still longed for ministry and I knew others needed the lessons I had learned.

Since then, I have transitioned back to church-based ministry and had a health crisis. The new role brought some stress and our staff experienced some tragedies and trauma. Additionally, the world brought challenges we all faced, including a worldwide pandemic.

Through it all, my faith sustained me. Scripture and the Holy Spirit impressed upon me that this (how the world is) is not how it’s supposed to be. I don’t have to accept that this is as good as it gets. I’ve clung to Jesus’ promises to always be with us and to give us peace—a peace that is different from the world.

I finally feel ready to share pieces of that journey is the hope that it encourages you to be whole, healthy, and entirely devoted to God.

This means that the topics here on the website and in the groups will be shifting somewhat.

I hope you’ll stick around and go on the journey with me.

So welcome to 2023! Let this year be the one you discover your purpose, your peace, and your passion for life.


One Reply to “Welcome to 2023!”

  1. Thank you, Tammy! I do pray that your health improves until you are totally in the clear! Thank you so much for continuing through it all! Many of your posts have been a great help to me as I have struggled with family health and other issues in the past year. They have been ongoing and…didn’t stop on December 31 when there was another crisis (better now). Please continue prayers for us! This old world sure has been acting out. Now today we have tornadoes. In January. Thank you for helping us to remember that God is with us throughout it all! Happy New Year!

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